Getting the Most from Riding Lessons
Product Description
Whoa! Don't get on a horse until you read this book.
This reassuring introduction to riding helps novice riders maximize the lesson experience with information about safety, horse behavior, basic riding exercises, and preparing for that first show. This companion guide will help readers feel confident and at ease with a qualified instructor, and help them hone their skills outside
Boost your self-confidence and get the most for your money with this one-of-a-kind companion guide to horse riding lesson.
Getting the Most from horse riding lesson gives you all the information you need to communicate effectively with your instructor and advance your riding skills outside of lesson time. Following the easy, step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to:
-- Warm up and condition key riding muscles
-- Brush up the basics
-- Perfect the use of the aids
-- Improve control and coordination
-- Master diagonals, evasions, and collection
-- Advance to jumping and showing
Product Reviw
By :Artsy bookwoman (FL USA)
And here is why! When I took lessons as a kid, I frequently didn't understand what the instructor was trying to get me to do. I faked my way through the extended trot for years without ever really knowing what it really meant (other than just "faster"). If I had had this book then, that wouldn't have happened. As a returning adult rider I do ask my instructor questions, but sometimes we learn so much in a lesson that I can't remember everything afterwards. This book clearly lays out exactly what all those aids were that I did in my lesson, so I can visualize them more clearly. The author also provides very realistic "what if this happens" situations with answers, which are very reassuring. He also tells you what to do if this doesn't work, and what to do next. His school horse portrayals are very accurate to the types of horses a novice rider will encounter, and helps one understand that while no horse is perfect, every one of them will contribute to one's becoming a better horseman. This book is very similar to the Cliffs Notes for riding lessons. Although not a substitute for qualified instruction (and it isn't trying to be either) the wealth of knowledge contained in it will enhance and reinforce all the things you will learn at the barn. Super!
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